Friday, 5 April 2013

E-Commerce - Shopping cart Integration in Delhi India

E-branding » E-Commerce
If you intend to sell a product or offer a subscription service from your site, you will generally need to integrate an online ordering system (shopping cart system) with a secure credit card payment system. Mark Design can create an e-commerce system tailored specifically to your needs with (if required) a management system which will allow you to update the product catalogue yourself via a standard web browser.
Our bespoke e-commerce systems can include:
  • Shopping cart applications
  • Product catalogues
  • Online credit card payment*
  • Online invoicing and stock control
  • Data capture
  • Subscription password allocation and access authorisation
  • Payment Systems for sites selling a single product
If you would like more information, please contact us 

Integration With ICICI Payment Gateway
Payment gateway is a service that can be used to process credit card transactions when accepting online orders from your customers. These payment gateways are offered by different banks and other dedicated Payment Processors. The requirements for an account vary from service to service, with specific requirements described on the web sites of most gateway providers.
The payment gateway integration can be done with our shopping cart so that the customers can easily process credit cards on our websites. Our programmers are familiar with the most popular gateways.
Integration with payment gateways helps the business to go online & be available to users worldwide 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Our services of payment gateway integration include : 
  • Independent payment gateways creation (with credit card transactions)
  • Integration with other payment gateways like:
    • Paypal
    • CC Avenue ( also offers net banking )
    • ICICI Payseal
For a presentation with a Walk-through please drop your enquiries at
Call +91 9818371797

Secure Shopping Cart Solutions
Mark Design offers solutions that are packed with platform independent interfaces and powerful modules. They are easy to install, simple to use, high-performance, scalable and powerful 'secure' shopping cart solutions. Mark Design can help you create an online catalog for a shopping cart; manage orders, payments and security, and sort processing features through the administrative control panel online.
Payment Gateway Solution Providers:

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